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How to become a member...

Already a member? 
Log in here


This will take you to the log in page where you enter your email address and password for access to our channel.

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Not an Online Studio member yet? 


If you're signing up for the first time, you will be taken to our Plans page where you can choose between our Weekly or Monthly subscriptions. 

Once you have chosen which you would prefer you will be taken to the next page...

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We don't want that much information (yet) but you will see this screen, where you enter your name, email address and a password chosen by you! 


If you're already a member you will see there Log In option beneath the Sign Up button.

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It SHOULD send you an email, welcoming you as a member to our Online Studio and then allow you to continue with your subscription to the channel. 

However, it might also want to "Confirm you Email"
If so, you will receive an email and you click "Confirm" it will open a new page for you where you can see your Account Information on the site and update it from there. 
We have also made a "how to" if you are needing to confirm your email address.




If all went well, you will arrive at the checkout page where you pay for your weekly or monthly subscription.

(We are currently having some PayPal issues, but will have them sorted as soon as we can.)

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Once you have completed your payment, you'll have a "thanks for your payment" and you can access the Online Studio.

You will also receive an email to confirm your plan, and you can access our Online Studio.

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